Generation - StudentTranscript Interchange Data

This section outlines the StudentTranscript Interchange generation rules.

Input & Precursors

Standard configuration file, which includes a SchoolProfile and GradeProfile configuration data. Also depends on StudentEnrollment and EducationOrgCalendar data

Entities & Elements

Interchange-StudentTranscript.xsd contains the following entities:

  • CourseTranscript
  • StudentAcademicRecord
CourseTranscriptCourseAttemptResultAlways "Pass"No failing grades currently generated

AttemptedCreditsEqual to number of credits assigned to course divided by the number of sessions in the academic yearIt's currently assumed that all courses span the entire school year (i.e., there is currently no support for single-term courses)

EarnedCreditsEqual to AttemptedCredits

WhenTakenGradelevelWill match the grade level at which the given course is offered

MethodCreditsEarnedAlways "Classroom Credit"

FinalLetterGradeEarnedAlways matches letter grade for student average (A-F letter grade scale)

FinalNumericGradeEarnedRandom value between FinalLetterGradeEarned min and max numeric grade

CourseReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated course

SchoolReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated school

StudentAcademicRecordReferencePopulated with reference to student academic record
StudentAcademicRecordidString of the format "SAR_{SessionId}_{Student.UniqueId}", where SessionId is of the format "2017-2018_Fall_Semester"

CumulativeEarnedCreditsCumulative sum of credits earned by the student since they were enrolled at their current school

StudentReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated student

EducationOrganizationReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated school

SchoolYearSchool year for which this SAR was generatedSARs are generated for past terms starting from the first grade/term available at the student's current school up until their current school year/term.

TermSchool term for which this SAR was generated