Ed-Fi RFC 10 - Ed-Fi Bulk Data Specifications for XML v3.0b

Different use-cases and different periodicities of data exchange require different interchange schema. Ed-Fi Data Standard v3.0b contains a set of 21 proposed Standard Interchange Schemas to handle common data exchange use cases, including basic student profile information, attendance records, assessment results, program participation, and many other information-transfer scenarios.

The Ed-Fi Standard Interchange Schemas are XSD files, all of which utilize the domain entities and other types defined in the Ed-Fi Core schema. Through field-testing, the standard Ed-Fi schema definitions provide a rigorous structure for data, but allow a reasonable degree of flexibility to account for different levels of source data availability.

Bulk Data Specifications (XSD)

The following link is a ZIP archive containing all the Standard Interchange Schema XSD for Ed-Fi v3.0b along with the Ed-Fi Core XSD for each schema: Ed-Fi-v3-0b-Bulk-XSD-Bundle.zip