Ed-Fi Request for Comment 14: ED-FI DATA STANDARD v2.2a
Product: Ed-Fi Data Standard v2.2
Affects: Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model, Ed-Fi ODS / API, Ed-Fi RFC 8, Ed-Fi Standard Interchange Schema
Obsoletes: --
Obsoleted By: Data Standard v2.2
Status: Inactive

Ed-Fi Alliance
August 20, 2018


This Request for Comment (RFC) includes materials that describe proposed revisions to the Ed-Fi Data Standard. The material in this RFC is designated v2.2a to distinguish the artifacts from previous releases and subsequent RFC material. This draft material is intended to support review and comment, and should not be used in active implementation work.

Data Standard v2.2a introduces a set of changes to the assessment domain model and to the LearningObjective entity. Aside from that, the proposed version is identical to Data Standard v2.0. Domains outside assessment have not been changed, which will provide a reasonable limit to ecosystem impacts on downstream specifications and integrations.

The issues and proposed changes behind v2.2a have been documented and discussed on the Ed-Fi Tracker and applicable links are provided to relevant tickets. In addition, a special interest group (SIG) — the Assessment API Vendor Integration SIG — was convened to provide additional input on these issues and on the REST API specifications that derive from the Data Standard Assessment domain model — ED-FI RFC 8 - ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES MANAGEMENT API (Inactive). The results are the changes proposed in v2.2a.


This RFC includes the following material:


Community feedback is critical to the RFC process, and the Alliance welcomes feedback from anyone.

Feedback does not need to be long or comprehensive. It is enough to cite a particular K–12 use case where the model would or would not be able to represent a common data exchange scenario. However, if readers have more lengthy written feedback, existing reports or alternative fully-articulated data models, please feel free to share those.

The primary mechanism for feedback is via the Ed-Fi Alliance general project in the Ed-Fi Tracker. Licensees can submit new RFC 14 feedback by clicking this link (login required). Licensees and the general public can view existing feedback here: http://tracker.ed-fi.org/projects/EDFI/ (login not required). When entering a feedback ticket, please reference the change or specific fix on which you are commenting, if applicable.

If you need an account for the Tracker, please go to http://www.ed-fi.org/access-request/ (note the Tech Community Getting Involved and Contributing if you are curious about what Ed-Fi Alliance services you can access).

Community discussion is also welcome via Ed-Fi Slack.

See Also

Links to additional information, draft documentation, and other non-normative content related to this RFC will be added below as they become available.