Data Differences between Certification and Starter Kit badges

The Ed-Fi certifications' test cases do not cover the complete list of data required for the starter kits or the format the data has to be in.  Below is a list of the differences between the Ed-Fi certification and the Ed-Fi starter kits.

Student Information System (SIS) differences

The sections below describe the differences between the Student Information System certification requirements and the corresponding requirements outlined in each companion guide for the starter kit badges.

Assessment Starter Kit

API Resource 

API Resource FieldRequired for Certification
sectionssectionNamesectionName is not required
studentEducationOrganizationAssociations disabilities=>disability Descriptordisabilitydescriptor is not required
studentProgramAssociationsSchoolIdSchoolId is not required

Chronic Absenteeism Starter Kit

API Resource 

API Resource FieldRequired for Certification
localEducationAgencieslocalEducationAgencyId Not tested as part of certification
parentstelephoneNumberTypeDescriptortelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor is not required
parentstelephoneNumbertelephoneNumber is not required
parentselectronicMailTypeDescriptorelectronicMailTypeDescriptor is not required
studentParentAssociationslivesWithlivesWith is not required
studentParentAssociationscontactPrioritycontactPriority is not required
studentParentAssociationscontactRestrictionscontactRestrictions is not required
staffelectronicMailTypeDescriptorelectronicMailTypeDescriptor is not required
staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations educationOrganizationIdeducationOrganizationId is not required
staffSectionAssociationsendDateendDate is not required 

Student Equity Starter Kit

API Resource 

API Resource FieldRequired for Certification
cohortsacademicSubjectDescriptoracademicSubjectDescriptor is not required
disciplineActionsstaffUniqueIdstaffUniqueId is not required
feederSchoolAssociationsschoolidschoolid is not tested as part of certification 
feederSchoolAssociationsFeederschoolidFeederschoolid is not tested as part of certification 
sectionsectionNamesectionName is not required